Category: Data Scientist & Analytics

Success In Data Scientist & Analytics

Success In Data Scientist & Analytics

As the emerging field of Data Science draws to itself some of the best minds, it is necessary for employers to discern the very best for their preference. The distinguishing feature between candidates is no longer the strength of their certificated qualifications, but their innate soft skills like analytical skills for a successful data science career.

Data Scientist & AnalyticsAnalytical Process                                                                                                                                                                               
The process of Analytical thinking may be represented as follows :

  1.  Problem Identification.
  2.  Information Collection from multiple sources.
  3. Understanding the issue in depth.
  4. Ideas and Solutions formulation with a view to novelty.
  5. Implementation of the solutions arrived at.
  6. Testing review and analysis of the solutions for correctness.
  7. Additional Solutions to be developed if necessary by trial and error.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Analytical Skills are used by us constantly to solve everyday problems. But these need to be honed to a high degree of sharpness for them to be applicable to the field of Data Science.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Why Important?                                                                                                                                                                      
    Data Science requires a highly complex conglomeration of many skills and some very specialized knowledge. But through it all, it is the innate brilliance of Analytic Skills that make Data Science so powerfully accurate. It is this that makes Analytical ability such a coveted skill. This makes the candidate standout from the pack.
                                                                                                                                                                                                Most Important                                                                                                                                                                               
    Analytical skills cannot be easily demonstrated, unlike other skills. There are no qualifications or certificates for this most elusive of skills. At the same time, it is now commonly held by the employers that it is analytical skills for a successful data science career that are the most salient inherent skills of all. Some of the most important skills associated with analytical ability are listed below:
  • Curiosity is an essential tool for Data Science as it enables the person to dig deep to solve intricate and difficult problems.
  • Research in Data Science is the ability to uncover the possible truths and insights hidden under layers of Big Data.
  • Critical Thinking is the ability to evaluate a problem with a view to understanding the full ramifications of that problem. To be able to formulate an explanation of the existence of a problem is half way to the solution of that problem, and is a feature of Critical Thinking.
  • Attention To Detail is essential when handling massive sets of data, so as not to miss out on essential indicators.
  • Foresight is the ability to see ahead, not just by a month or a year, but by the effect a current issue or its solution may have in a decade.
  • Tenacity is the mental strength factor that makes the candidate persistent and defiant in the face of initial failures or delays, to fight on till success is achieved.
  • Problem Solving is inherent to Analytical skill.
  • Decision Making needs to be well thought out and confident
  • Communication is essential to be able to convince the management of the correctness and action ability of the solution.
  • Big Picture communication is the Analytic skill to convey the essentials simply and impressively to the employers. 

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