Tag: Prospects Of Data Science In India

Prospects Of Data Science In India

A recent survey suggests that Data science is one of the fastest emerging specializations in India. In various sectors, companies are developing their technological infrastructure. Hence, every company is slowly becoming a tech company. Whether you have a manufacturing industry, or you provide retail services, you need to inculcate technology into your processes. So every company also wants to have skilled data team. Gradually, India is developing as most-probably the largest capitals of data science compared to others. Many multi-national companies like Walmart, Mercedes Benz, AIG and PayPal have already set up data science centres in the nation. According to research done by Everest Group, India has 35-50% share in the analytical market.

The previous year witnessed 100% growth in analytical jobs. At present there are 50,000 data jobs with analytical skill in the country. Companies are seeking candidates skilled in new software like Hadoop, Python and R. No company can escape the wave of technological evolution.

The transformations are bringing forward many questions. How Indian companies will adjust themselves with the condition? What are the main challenges before management team? What strategies will the company take for skill testing or for further skill development of Human Resources? In other words, how will companies keep pace with the drive for emerging software skills?

Techno-strategy to keep pace with new skills in demand

Many IT graduates is recruited as data scientists every year. But there is no limit to new software skills which could be learnt. Software tools like Python and R are trending nowadays. According to research conducted by NASSCOM, half of the IT staffs of the Indian Trade Association must have develop and adopt capacities to master in emerging technologies to stay in demand.

In order to meet with the technological demand, companies need to quickly hire data talent. But this will just be a partial solution. According to Current age of analytics authored by McKinsey and Co., “Adapting to an era of data driven decision making is not always a simple proposition”. Different companies have responded differently to the pressure. Few have invested substantially in technology, keeping the organisational structure intact. Some others are still in the process of talent acquisition and growth. In the actual sense, business methods and organisational muscle must be able to pick up the actual worth from analytics.

According to Prof, Nilanjan Chatterjee of John Hopkins University, there is no shortage of mathematical geniuses in India. “But if you really want to be a data scientist, you need cutting edge skills.” He says. Being a data scientist has its own sets of challenges and risks.

Learning to stay competitive

In order to be a data scientist, one can opt for Data Science Specialization. It is a data science introductory course. Emphasis is laid upon conceptual thoughts behind data science. During the course, candidates will be familiarised with the practical aspects like git, markdown, version control, GitHub, RStudio and R.

According to Prof. Chatterjee, data science requires skills in multidisciplinary areas. A computer science graduate is interested in things like large scale data storage and retrieval methods. Those from science or engineering background may be adept in analysis and QA. Clearly, developing data science is a matter of teamwork and cohesion between talents of diverse backgrounds.

Data Science in India – Getting ready for the future

In order to prepare human resources to meet future challenges, individuals and organisations have to take steps to upgrade the intellectual level of workforce. It is big challenge to train new staff. Over the next 10 years, Data Sciences can become the main driving force behind economic growth. According to the findings of NASSCOM, nearly 1.5 to 2 million individuals would be working with next generation technologies in just 5 years.

Data science training in Hyderabad: https://datamites.com/data-science-course-training-hyderabad/

Data Science in Pune: https://datamites.com/data-science-course-training-pune/